Selasa, 10 Januari 2012
Graduate Student, State University of Yogyakarta (UNY), Nuky Hanggara (24) and Erfin Dwi Priana (23) claimed not think candy is made from fish Kakap creations won the fourth time Product Development Innovation Competition Fisheries, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries held.

When I first heard of the candy would be called Fish Kakap frowned, then, appears shadow-flavored candy that distinctive fishy smell of fish. But make no mistake, creativity both when processing materials into jelly candy snapper was a sweet and healthy foods.

Moreover, both admitted to using natural ingredients without preservatives. Dyes they use are made from fruit juice and then mixed with the snapper that has been processed.

"When the race is like that, the jury answered immediately frowned when made of snapper fish. But after trying, four candy she eats nonstop," he said when met Nuky Hanggara Tribune Jogja ( group) at the Campus UNY.

While the first idea of ​​making candy snapper fish appear out of nowhere, when it will follow the race. The time taken to experiment also did not take long. Only a few trials, both are able to produce diversified food made from fish snapper.

The tool they use is also simple, requiring no special tools for dispensing candy snapper. In addition to using the tools at their disposal, a tool from the Department of Catering UNY, they use to process into an attractive candy.

Both claim to have the intention to develop the candy into the market, just because something has not been met. Had been offered by some to be managed but still in the process leading to mass production.

According to them, candy snapper has an advantage compared with the candy that is often consumed by children. For snapper made from fish, seaweed, gelatin from cattle, pineapple, natural flavorings, and sugar and water until the composition reaches 100%.

"The protein and high fiber are also rich in vitamins due to include vegetables and fruit flavors such as original as collards, strawberries and beets, carrots, chocolate and coffee," he said.

In addition, although not using preservatives, candy snapper named them the "virgin" was able to survive at least one to two weeks. That is, it's possible to run a safe product.


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