Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

In addition to its widespread use in the architecture and 3D design worlds, form•Z and RenderZone Plus are also extensively used in Hollywood - in all production stages, in and behind the scenes (set design pre-production and construction, miniature model design, pre-vis animation, CG special effects and post-production, etc.). The following thread [2] mentions the practical use of form•Z in almost all blockbuster movies of the last decade, including successful TV productions.

Additional movie references:

Pirates of the Caribbean [3]

Victor Martinez (Solaris, Minority Report, Cat in the Hat, Transformers, etc.) [4]

Richard Reynolds (Lecturer @ AFI, Planet of the Apes, Mission to Mars, Pearl Harbor, etc.) [5]

Oliver Scholl (Time Machine, Independence Day, Mission to Mars, Stealth, Jumper, etc.) [6]

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